Please help me Please

Once again, I am turning to you with my old issue. I know this might have tired you, as there are many like me — players who received 10-year bans, including those who used cheats and violated the rules. But my account was banned for 10 years due to an error in the system and incorrect checks by the administrators.
Yes, I am still playing PUBG Mobile on another account, but it does not feel as valuable to me as my first account. My first account holds all my friends, loved ones, the happiest moments of my life, and memories with my beloved. All of these are tied to that account.
If only I could get my account back and start playing on it again, I would feel like my happiest moments had returned. Unfortunately, I am still longing for those days and those memories.
I kindly ask for your help in removing the 10-year ban on my account. I understand that this might go against the rules, but acting with fairness would mean the world to me. I have always played the game without using cheats or breaking any rules, and I ended up in this situation because of a system error.
Please, I sincerely request your help.
Account name: ABUBANDITW
Account owner: Abdurasulov Abdulaziz Phone number: +998935997441
Address: Nazarbek village, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Best regards,
Abdurasulov Abdulaziz
(This message was translated by ChatGPT without altering the author’s original words.)
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If your account has been permanently suspended, please submit Appeal through For non-permanent suspensions, submit an account ban appeal by logging into your account and selecting File Claim....
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4 Replies
4EverYou2mo ago
“That error occurs after multiple times of being warned not to play with cheaters or not to open any sort of cheat that goes against Krafton terms of service. Unfortunately it would be unfair for them to unban your account after repeatedly asking you politely.” That’s what my friend received from someone who collects data for PUBG team, he has same issue as you.
lucifer2672mo ago
I played with a cheater but instead to accept him I reported and I left the match so next time do the same
💀D3ATH💀2mo ago
If your account has been compromised or lost, please submit Recovery through
Zuelle2mo ago
If your account has been permanently suspended, please submit Appeal through For non-permanent suspensions, submit an account ban appeal by logging into your account and selecting File Claim.

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