Fringed Leather Jacket opinions/recommendations.
After having to resell the one I got last year bc the fit was off, the urge for some fringes has struck me again. Im currently looking at two options, both used Schott MiUSA.
Option 1 is in that very classic suede tan and has shorter fringes, while option two has longer fringes and is in a darker brown. I did consider black, but I already own a black leather jacket so for varieties sake another colour is preferrable.
How are we feeling about both options and are there other brands worth looking out for in regard to secondhand fringed leather jackets? Also very happy for more unusual/loud options.
11 Replies
My preference is for the shorter fringe but I feel like this is all theoretical until I can see it worn
Though I don’t have any real experience with this type of thing
Im kinda drawn to the longer fringe bc of the inherent drama and the way it changes silhouette, but the shorter one is certainly the safer of the two in that regard..
Also cc ing @warpweftwatergate and @jawntanamo_bae 🥀 as certified fringe jacket havers. Hope you don't mind 🙂
I like the longer one a lot more. imo with something like this it's better to full send it since even the short fringe isn't 'safe' anyway
i agree i don’t think either option is safe so go big or go home lmao
First one is horrendous, go with the third pic
Big buttons better
Yeah, thats my current thought as well. Might as well fully commit to the fringe.
ok with reflection I just dont have an eye for fringe, disregard my opinion
I also think go with the third
first looks like you aren’t quite willing to commit to it imo
the other one has slightly bigger fringes than I’d personally enjoy, but is a nicer jacket
though I do think pic1 is a super nice colour
Jawn showed me the errors of my way go with the long
Thanks y'all for enabling me to get the dramatic long fringes!