nice!view burnt out?
I went to update my firmware on my corne to get the latest display UI and it seems one of my screens is not displaying as expected. Screen worked fine and as expected up until the firmware change. Has anyone had a screen burn out?
Context: Have had the corne ~2 years and been running the same firmware about that same amount of time.
Troubleshooting attempted:
1. switch screens across sides, problem follows screen.
2. Reset firmware and rebuilt, still same issue.
1 Reply
It's unlikely the nice!view burnt out from a firmware change. It's more likely a hardware issue.
Since the problem follows the screen, it's likely the screen itself. Check the nice!view guide to ensure the headers are soldered correctly. Also, check for any shorts.
If the soldering looks good, the screen may be faulty. You can reach out to me again if you need more help.
nice!view | Documentation
If you have nice!views with your build, this guide will go over installing the sockets and headers. If you don't have nice!views, you can skip this guide.