How do I turn off auto accept team up request?
Pubg keeps putting me on a squad by accepting friends team up request. It happens when am joining the game and when I connect, I find myself in a squad or already in game. Can’t leave sometimes to avoid losing merits and sometimes I die because I didn’t even warm up. I cant afford to get from ace master to diamond because of pubg’s fault
Solution:Jump to solution
If you don’t want to accept team up request automatically, please do not set your status as “Team Up” status (green ones).
4 Replies
Someone know how to turn off this useless feature?
If you don’t want to accept team up request automatically, please do not set your status as “Team Up” status (green ones).
Oh thanks Zombie, thought I do want to team up, I still don’t want pubg accepting team up request for me from people who sell every match
Thanks for the reply ily
If I remember right. There is option in setting related to that.