Ticket: Telegram Group/Channel Not Adding
@Lorenzo Just created a ticket
Question: Telegram Support
Attempted: When I try to add Telegram, it tells me: "Please add @ to your telegram group / channel and click here:"
Working On: What should I add? IS there any documentation?
Using Postiz On: Docker
Take it from here @Postiz
Question: Telegram Support
Attempted: When I try to add Telegram, it tells me: "Please add @ to your telegram group / channel and click here:"
Working On: What should I add? IS there any documentation?
Using Postiz On: Docker
Take it from here @Postiz
5 Replies
@Postiz please help @Lorenzo
Step 1:
Create a bot using BotFather. Note down the name and the token
Step 2:
add to docker compose:
Step 3:
rebuild using the updated compose file. it should work now.
also if you're adding it your bot to a group not a channel, by default telegram sets group privacy to "on" meaning your bot will have no access to any messages in your group. Using botfather again: menu -> {select your bot} -> Bot settings -> Group Privacy -> Turn Off
Hey @Zerocool , would it be possible for you to add this as an PR to the Docs Repo?
Sure but I'll need some time. I'm away from home and my PC and internet access is a little spotty where I am at the moment. I'm sorry for the late reply
Thank you, just inform me when you opened the PR