random crashes while dh horizons on server
im using dh server 2.3.0 and the server some times crashes everytime for the same reason:
[Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
net.minecraft.ReportedException: Accessing PalettedContainer from multiple threads
5 Replies
Rx 6600
Reproduction steps?
I have dh set at 60 chunks, it doesnt lag (rarely it does) threads are set to half my threads, if i play for some time in the server with all 60 chunks on the client it sometimes crashes, maybe to reproduce the steps faster i think increasing dh support rd to 80-100 should increase crash rate
Before crashing if im not wrong it gives a huge lag spike
Last time it crashed was while i was exploring the world
Also i dont think it is a problem but i was using shaders
I have to report the same thing happens to me. While exploring around, the server cannot seem to handle it and just goes crazy.
It's almost like it's stuck writing data in a loop somewhere but then runs out of memory.
I managed to make it stop crashing by using 4 threads and render distance set to 100
Render distance could probably go further to like 200 without crashing, wouldnt risk
And I allocated 15 gb to server instead of 10gb, it seems that it fixed