35 Replies
What is it
I have beaucoup bucks I can buy anything
I could start a mini totally ethical sweatshop
Keep the staff low
me too
Avoid leaks
My parents told me to get a job and i told them
i thot the point of a sweatshop was to not be ethical
What the fuck do I do after getting a job? Invest in monopoly
what is this thread exactly
Drinking enough water bud?
Questions I have about fabrics and printing methods
all im sayin bro is if youre trying to open a sweatshop bro and have those guys sweat all up on you all the time bro why are you keeping it small?
Trademarking your brand
i got my brand patented
ask your question
And make it more specific than how does print
bc if that’s where you are google is gonna be more helpful than here
First drink some water
One thing at a time tho
I wanna go with suede
Water and suede don't mix
when you print on suede this is what youre printing on
are you ok with that ??
No ur printing on the inside of that cuties skin
And I want the logo or characters and motifs to have a little bit depth
Ok we're back
when you print on suede this is what youre printing in
are you ok with that ??
The motifs don't need to be suede
Call a print shop, no one here is going to know shit about this.
Especially if you keep
Instead of formulating your question
I have adhd
Having ADHD doesn’t prevent you from forming coherent thoughts
Sincerely, someone with ADHD
Hey man I'm on the other side of the spectrum
Idc really
you can just print on suede
screen print it
or draw on it
just check how other brands have done it and ask your factory or print shop if they can do the same