Is Filament PHP8.4 compatible?
I can't find any announcement related to this, and I note that 8.4 is not part of the tests in the Github repo.
Is there an official position on whether it's compatible?
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Update. I can get the test suite to pass in 8.4, but only if I bump rector, phpstan and larastan up to the next major versions. Otherwise I get fatal errors.
I suspect this may well be caused by the analysis of the code and not the code itself, however that is a hunch not a fact. The fact is I saw the tests fail with 8.4 with the 3.x branch, so conclusion has to be that this project is not compatible with php8.4 yet.
I'd love somebody to show me I'm wrong....
2 Replies
Fairly sure it is. I'd need to test, only tested on 8.3.
Update. I can get the test suite to pass in 8.4, but only if I bump rector, phpstan and larastan up to the next major versions. Otherwise I get fatal errors.
I suspect this may well be caused by the analysis of the code and not the code itself, however that is a hunch not a fact. The fact is I saw the tests fail with 8.4 with the 3.x branch, so conclusion has to be that this project is not compatible with php8.4 yet.
I'd love somebody to show me I'm wrong.