Extract schema inside an array
Hello there, I'm new to ArkType, and I'm hitting an issue that I cannot seem to be able to solve... I'm trying to extract the runtime schema from within an array. Here is a simple example:
The type of
is correctly inferred to
However, the last line is always crashing with TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
it seems the runtime schema is not correctly extracted.
I know this was referred as an "anti-pattern" in the docs but here I'm trying to build a tool that can generate an openapi spec out of an ArkType definition so I cannot split my type.
Any help would be appreciated.8 Replies
Maybe you need some .arrayitem as .get(0) is for tuples?
Thanks, where should I use this .arrayitem? I cannot find it in the docs
Idk how it's called check the sauce or runtime
Okay I'll have a look deeper
I just remember David talking about it some time
Re: OpenAPI
1. There is .json() that returns sorta schema you may want it
2. Lurk this server you're not the first to openapi
Yes, my example is simplified but I want to use .toJsonSchema() on this inner array type but since the runtime value seems not out, I cannot do it
Not toJsonSchema
.json iirc
I opened an issue, it seems to be a bug