Help w/ Wireless Corne 42 Choc

Hi yall, have the corne choc with the nice!views and nice!nano, and I'm mostly loving it. But a few questions coming up and hoping someone could help point me in the right direction: But a few questions coming up: - I bought a switch lite case thinking it would fit, and it just barely doesn’t fit probably because of the 6th column which I don’t even use. Can I snap off and buy/build a new case? - The green circuit board is exposed, would like a cover on top of that, is that a different type of case? - Turning the keyboard on and off is a very delicate operation and I’m worried I’m going to break the switches. They seem small and fragile. I switch them off at end of day to save battery, is there another way? - I’m not sure if it’s my keycaps or the switches, but I have some stickiness on some of the keys, like there’s a little more friction than expected to push down. Seems I have to hit them at a perfect heads on angle for them to not stick. Is this something I should try to get used to, or is this something I can change? - I’ve had trouble getting the screens to work. They were working when I first got it, but then I flashed the firmware and can’t seem to get them back on. - Also firmware related, I’m not sure how to swap the ctrl and command keys on the home row. I’m on a Mac and it hits the pinkies hard. Here’s how my firmware is setup:
on: workflow_dispatch
uses: ./.github/workflows/main.yml
secrets: inherit
board: '["nice_nano_v2"]'
shield: '["corne_left nice_view_adapter nice_view","corne_right nice_view_adapter nice_view"]'
alphas: '["qwerty"]'
nav: '["vi"]'
clipboard: '["mac"]'
on: workflow_dispatch
uses: ./.github/workflows/main.yml
secrets: inherit
board: '["nice_nano_v2"]'
shield: '["corne_left nice_view_adapter nice_view","corne_right nice_view_adapter nice_view"]'
alphas: '["qwerty"]'
nav: '["vi"]'
clipboard: '["mac"]'
9 Replies
TyperAI2mo ago
Okay, I can help with those questions! - Unfortunately, the 6th column is part of the PCB, so it can't be snapped off. You'll need a case designed for the 6-column Corne. - It sounds like you're missing the display cover. You can find it on our store or in our customizer. See our display cover guide for installation. - The power switches are small, but they're not too fragile. You can also turn the keyboard off by holding the reset button for 10 seconds. - Key stickiness can be due to keycaps or switches. Try different keycaps first. If that doesn't work, try different switches. - For the screens, make sure you're using the correct firmware. You can find the correct firmware on our firmware page. - To swap ctrl and command, you'll need to edit your keymap. Check out the ZMK documentation or use the visual keymap editor. Let me know if you have any more questions! You can reply to this message or tag me for further help. - Custom Keyboards Made Easy
A custom keyboard store focusing on making wireless DIY split keyboards more accessible and easy. Pick from our Corne or Lily58 kits.
Display Cover | Documentation
The display cover helps protect your display and nice!nano from damage. In this guide, we'll go over installing the display cover.
Keymaps & Behaviors | ZMK Firmware
ZMK uses a declarative approach to keymaps instead of using C code for all keymap configuration.
SymbolicSorcererOP2mo ago
Hi AI :). I've read on reddit and various other spots that you can snap the 6th column off. But maybe this is not true for the Typeractive PCB? I have the transparent acrylic display covers, but the rest of the keyb is still uncovered. Would love another option for the power switches tbh. Could also be my case making this harder than it should be. I have to use a small allen key to switch it on/off Sg, will look at diff keycaps. Need more on the ZMK changes, this is based on miryoku's build process so that might complicate things.
paul2mo ago
you can snap off the last column on the 6 col corne, but i believe only the choc version. I think the plate on top of the PCB you'd be looking for is the FR4 plate, this also helps hold the switches in place and on the standard case is what is bolted to the case itself I think the typeractive PCB differs from the standard foostan corne so i don't think you can just buy a random corne case and necessarily expect it to fit
SymbolicSorcererOP2mo ago
ah ok. i just bought a new case +FR4, hoping i can take everything out, snap the last col, and put back in. seem realistic?
paul2mo ago
I think that seems very possible you'll need to change the firmware - either using a different one from the guide or modify your own accordingly to use the 5 col layout
SymbolicSorcererOP2mo ago
Cool. Yeah there’s a 5 col firmware I’m pretty sure
PurpleTaro2mo ago
Depending on access to printer + case, you could print a little adapter thing, it's how a lot of the case stuff in general deals with it to get the nicer looking plastic bits flush
SymbolicSorcererOP2mo ago
Ah didn’t have a printer so I just bought something from typeractive. I should really get a 3d printer
PurpleTaro2mo ago
yeah, it's become part of my standard bodge kit - it's super handy (but not fast..) to make one-offs that nobody but me wants. Truly we live in the future when i have a small plastic fab in the closet i fire up from time to time XD

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