Ticket: Postiz error: "Twitter posting unauthorized"
@Anton | productshare.eth Just created a ticket
Question: I got Postiz installed on https://poster.tokenshare.xyz with api running on https://api.tokenshare.xyz I was able to get it to add my Twitter account as one of the channels but posting has not been working and I am not sure how to trouble shoot it, because when I manually write code to post to twitter using the same tokens, it works just fine. Here is the error message that was stored in the database in the Posts table: {"type":"response","code":401,"error":{"title":"Unauthorized","type":"about:blank","status":401,"detail":"Unauthorized"},"headers":{"perf":"7402827104","content-type":"application/problem+json","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, max-age=0","content-length":"99","x-transaction-id":"498f4dccb43cbe97","x-response-time":"3","x-connection-hash":"e9492fbe023304caa7b88dc12a9ef3ff925e4d4b1649801d323bbe0cf5dac4ef","date":"Fri, 17 Jan 2025 05:56:09 GMT","server":"tsa_b"}}
Attempted: I tried reconnecting the Twitter channel and then using the same tokens to make a post manually which worked.
Working On: I am working on getting the basic functionality to work and connecting all out company channesl
Using Postiz On: I have a Docker image running on Railway with poster.tokenshare.xyz front and api.tokernshare.xyz backend
Take it from here @Postiz
Question: I got Postiz installed on https://poster.tokenshare.xyz with api running on https://api.tokenshare.xyz I was able to get it to add my Twitter account as one of the channels but posting has not been working and I am not sure how to trouble shoot it, because when I manually write code to post to twitter using the same tokens, it works just fine. Here is the error message that was stored in the database in the Posts table: {"type":"response","code":401,"error":{"title":"Unauthorized","type":"about:blank","status":401,"detail":"Unauthorized"},"headers":{"perf":"7402827104","content-type":"application/problem+json","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, max-age=0","content-length":"99","x-transaction-id":"498f4dccb43cbe97","x-response-time":"3","x-connection-hash":"e9492fbe023304caa7b88dc12a9ef3ff925e4d4b1649801d323bbe0cf5dac4ef","date":"Fri, 17 Jan 2025 05:56:09 GMT","server":"tsa_b"}}
Attempted: I tried reconnecting the Twitter channel and then using the same tokens to make a post manually which worked.
Working On: I am working on getting the basic functionality to work and connecting all out company channesl
Using Postiz On: I have a Docker image running on Railway with poster.tokenshare.xyz front and api.tokernshare.xyz backend
Take it from here @Postiz
1 Reply
Hmm I never seen any error like this
Did you exceed the Limit of Maximum Characters, because there is an But that it doesn’t correctly render it