Table Collapsible Content - Keep Column Headers
I'm trying to create a collapsible rows but when I try to use this table headers disappear.
Is there any way to achieve collapsible rows and also keep table headers?
8 Replies
you would have to make a custom view
such as
and on the path resources/views/partials/record-details.blade.php
with content such as
i hope that helped
further than that i'm also helpless
But there is no contentLayout method on Table
And also I can't find Collapse class
could it be rowView then
same pattern, but with ->rowView('tables.collapsible-row');
Create a blade file named collapsible-row.blade.php in resources/views/tables/.
There is a ->view method
i was guessing the method
try view with that last pattern
instead of rowView, view('table.collapsible-row')
there's this part of the documentation too
maybe don't use the split, try a combination of the past examples
this thread might also help #Collapsible Content - Keep Column Headers
The view('table.collapsible-row') is not working at all, it is overwrites the default table view
Any other ideas?