Why does Bazzite keep replacing my startup and suspend animations?
If I set a startup or suspend animation through Animation Changer in Decky Loader, every time I switch to desktop mode, the selected animation automatically gets overwritten by the default Bazzite animation. Not replaced so I can change it back, THE FILE IS OVERWRITTEN. Which is a HUGE pain when I reate a custom animation for my device, enter desktop mode to do something, go back and now it's not there anymore. Is there a way to disable this functionality or at least get Bazzite to stop fucking around with that folder? It is getting ON MY NERVES,
5 Replies
I think there is a terminal command for disabling the custom Bazzite animations is
ujust configure-override-videos disable
It's not something I've tinkered with so no idea if it's works or not.that should work, installing animation changer should also override bazzite animation
bazzite/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/bin/bazzite-steam at abeed9...
Bazzite is a cloud native image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld. - ublue-os/bazzite
As of the latest testing build it doesn’t work. The ujust command keeps saying it is enabled even if you disable it and the video doesn’t go away.
Can confirm
Animation changer used to override the Bazzite animation, and to an extent it still does, it's just that switching to desktop mode and back overwrites the video to the Bazzite video
if you ran the ujust, does this file get created?