pubg matching problem
msi app player and bluestacks 5 pubg matching system cant find match. it lasts forever.
Solution:Jump to solution
Matchmaking is related to how many players are currently in the queue for a specific game mode, perspective, or map. If you are using an emulator, a higher matchmaking time can be expected as players using emulator are few in numbers compared to mobile platform.
The only recommended emulator is GameLoop: Please download the game on there instead....
3 Replies
It's not recommended to play on a 3rd party emulator. Try to play on Gameloop
Matchmaking is related to how many players are currently in the queue for a specific game mode, perspective, or map. If you are using an emulator, a higher matchmaking time can be expected as players using emulator are few in numbers compared to mobile platform.
The only recommended emulator is GameLoop: Please download the game on there instead.
why can't other emulators be supported?