HeaderActions stops working with HasTable
The Table contract/trait causes the headerAction not to open a slideover.
No console errors. Regular x-filament-panels::page.
Any ideas, anyone?
9 Replies
Same issue if it just implements Hastable (no infolist/forms).
Must be a bug, no?
This was solved by adding this to the view.
Please note that this is not required when it is not implementing HasTable.
How that works I can't seem to figure out.
Hmm - no. While that initially worked, opening the slideOver stops working after a few state changed.
Has been working flawlessly until I added a table on the page (which is unrelated to the action).
Definitely some bug here but feel I can't gather enough detail to file a proper report.
Try removing forms and infolists. Page is already using them. Might be a conflict there.
@awcodes Good catch - unfortunately the same issue.
Using this makes the slideOver work partially, but breaks after a few Livewire state changes.
If I, from that view, copy the view rendered for HasActions (the modal) and paste in my view, it all works perfectly.
So it's some of the modal rendered from the view above that breaks it.
And the fact that I have to include the view all together as soon as I use HasTable is strange..
It’s a custom page you have to give it a view.
Can your share the code of your view?
I really want to make it clear:
The slideover works WITHOUT x-filament-actions::modals if I do NOT use HasTable/InteractsWithTable
So everything was working great, until I added implements HasTable - then slideOver stopped working - I had to add the modals view - and it breaks after a few Livewire state changes.
Hmm. Not seeing anything in the code that would conflict. What’s the output of
php artisan filament:about
Ok. That all looks ok to me. Is this a repo you can share?
Not really, but it should be easily re-producible. Or do you get slideOvers/modals working for HeaderActons on a page that implements a table?