24 Replies
conjugate base mein x aur z dono aromatic ho jayenge but -CN -m effect show karta hai thus decreasing the -ve charge and less aromaticity
thus making x anion more stable than z and x a better acid than z
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ans is z>x>y sadly
"Decreases the aromaticity" part is wrong imo. The ring is still aromatic and -CN is just helping to ease the -ve charge.
so it is kinda neutralizing some of -ve charge
and in x theres complete -ve charge therefore better aromaticity
There should just be -ve charge/conjugation for it to be aromatic.
For example, would you consider phenol less aromatic than benzene? No.
so phenol is more stable than benzene ??
Z is more acidic bc CN will take electron thereby making the H more acidic
No. I was just saying that by resonance edg or ewg just decreases the electron density. It doesn't have effect over aromaticity.
observe that this -ve charge is helping both in aromaticity and conjugation with C triple bond N {Aromatic+Conjugation}
@hardcoreisdead both x and y become anti aromatic
After deprotonation
Y is non planar
And x has 4 pi electrons
X to aromatic ban jaaega
-ve charge aata hai deprotonation ke baad
Ha bhai tab to z x y is decreasing order
yeh logically correct nahi hi hai then ig
I imagined that cyanide will stabilise anion of Z by -M but damn I can't even think of decrease in aromaticity due to the withdrawal effect of CN as someone in this thread said
should be z
Z has more -I means it would try to attract electrons from C and that's why it will be easier for that carbon to remove h+ and become aromatic as well.
yooo bro
+solved @Dexter @SirLancelotDuLac
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