Lily58 nice!view not working

I just finished building my lily58 made sure I turned down the temp when soldering and everything is working besides the right nice view it doesn’t seem to be getting any power
3 Replies
TyperAI2mo ago
Okay, let's troubleshoot your right nice!view. First, ensure the battery is connected and the power switch is on. Then, double-check the soldering on the nice!view headers and sockets, making sure they're making good contact. If that doesn't work, check out our nice!view troubleshooting guide and general troubleshooting. If you're still having issues, reply to this message or tag me for further help!
nice!view | Documentation
If you have nice!views with your build, this guide will go over installing the sockets and headers. If you don't have nice!views, you can skip this guide.
PurpleTaro2mo ago
obligatory not-a-bot-or-have-a-clue, but if you swap left display to right, and vice versa, is it the right side that's still not showing? or the left now?
deltamarkOP2mo ago
I fixed that issue it was a bridge solder

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