Reactive Behavior Not Working for Fields Inside Repeater

hi i just started a discussion on github I am working on a project using Filament PHP and I have this layout: Select::make('fournisseur_id') ->label('Fournisseur') ->relationship('fournisseur', 'Tiers_RS') ->searchable() ->preload() ->live() ->reactive(), Repeater::make('commande_dossier') ->relationship() ->schema([ Select::make('bon_de_commande') ->searchable(['Doc_Num', 'Tiers_code']) ->relationship('cmdImport', 'Doc_Num') ->preload() ->reactive() ->live() ->disabled(fn(Get $get): bool => !filled($get('fournisseur_id'))) ->native(false), FileUpload::make('file_bon_de_commande') ->label('Fichier Document') ->imagePreviewHeight('80') ->openable() ->previewable(true), ]) ->columnSpan('full'), Select::make('bon_de_commande') ->searchable(['Doc_Num', 'Tiers_code']) ->relationship('cmdImport', 'Doc_Num') ->preload() ->reactive() ->live() ->disabled(fn(Get $get): bool => !filled($get('fournisseur_id'))) ->native(false), The select field outside of the repeater works nicely; it is disabled when fournisseur_id is empty and enabled when it has a value. However, the select field inside the repeater is always disabled, even when I try to make it change the options based on the value of fournisseur_id. The one outside of the repeater works, but the one inside does not.
"Reactive Behavior Not Working for Fields Inside Repeater" · filame...
Package Form builder Package Version v3.0.0 How can we help you? I am working on a project using Filament PHP and I have this layout: Select::make('fournisseur_id') ->label('Fourniss...
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