Sunfaded Chambrays
I've been looking for a rugged sunfaded/light blue chambray for a bit now. I like this one from Wythe a lot, any others worth taking a look at under $200?

5 Replies
used/vintage tbh or grab a chambray and wear it a lot to sun fade it yourself. Potentially pre-faded options from cheaper brands like Levi's, Wrangler, J Crew(?), etc. anyone that sells chambray might have a slightly faded version
Going to echo beans and suggest vintage/used. One of the best western shirts I have in terms of softness and fading is an old Wrangler I got used for very little money
I feel like the shirt I posted today in WAYWT might have the type of fade you are looking for. It's a 90s PRL Blake chambray. It was like $20 NWT on eBay.
The Wythe one is nice. RRL has a really nice western-style chambray shirt that looks beautiful.
Repro brands are also pretty strong here. Bronson has a fairly cheap option.
But yeah pretty much any prep, Americana, and workwear brand is gonna have something like this.
Awesome, thanks y'all