Dispatch open modal with parameters

https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/support/blade-components/modal#controlling-a-modal-from-javascript hello everyone, in dispatch, in addition to the id, is there a way to pass other parameters and reuse them inside the content? I find myself a page with a @foreach($articles as $article) @livewire(\Modules\Blog\Http\Livewire\Widgets\RatingsWithImageWidget::class, ['article' => $article_model, 'ratings' => $article->ratings]) @endforeach inside this RatingsWithImageWidget when an image is clicked, I would like to start a simple modal, placed outside the foreach <x-filament::modal> {{-- Modal content --}} </x-filament::modal> with inside a content with updated data that I would like to send each time, for example the title of the article
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