How to format a TextColumn
Hello, i need to remove html tags from a specific column.
How to remove the html tags from
->formatStateUsing not working for me.Solution:Jump to solution
use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn;
use Illuminate\Support\HtmlString;...
22 Replies
That's weird... how did you use it?
oh, nice. How to remove tags then?
Try this:
I have Html and want to remove from html the tags. format into text
Yep this is how i tested, not working.
Can you show us what you tried?
the above will only work if you have done html
always html tags there
also this.
also not working.
all time this result.
Id you dd($state) does it get hit?
nop dd not hitted.
->formatStateUsing(fn (string $state) => dd($stae)),
do nothingSounds like you have cached it or somehting, as format state should be hit
hm ok
php artisan optimize:clear
not helped.
also the issue no dd
i will debug wait
fixed. thx