searchable method makes columns all same width
How do I prevent bool values from taking up so much space? It's adding horizontal scroll to the table now because of this.
10 Replies
Hi, maybe try to add
->extraAttributes(['style' => 'width: desired width'])
to the column see if it works.Tried that. No go. Seems like the width is decided higher up in the HTML 😦
Can you share the code?
Every column is same=ish width
They are all 192px
Have you tried something like this?
Tried both yeah
No changes
Mmm no idea then. Wait until someone from the core team replies to you
Width does add the style to the <th> but it stays at 192px for some reason
->compact() would be nice to have on a table
Looks like when I remove the search box row from the HTML the columns actually srhinks down a lot
->searchable(isIndividual: true, isGlobal: false)
->searchable(isIndividual: true, isGlobal: false)
Yeah, removing this from columns makes the table super condensed. And each column is a different size now.
Damn didnt know that