Ticket: "TypeError: Failed to Fetch" on Signup - Docker Setup
@guim31 Just created a ticket
Question: Getting the message General error: TypeError: Failed to fetch. Please check your browser console. When I try to signup
Attempted: Lots of changes in my docker-compose file, none seems to be the solution.
Working On: I just try to sign-up
Using Postiz On: Docker-compose on Unraid
Take it from here @Postiz
Question: Getting the message General error: TypeError: Failed to fetch. Please check your browser console. When I try to signup
Attempted: Lots of changes in my docker-compose file, none seems to be the solution.
Working On: I just try to sign-up
Using Postiz On: Docker-compose on Unraid
Take it from here @Postiz
Solution:Jump to solution
I managed to make it work using a domain name I already own. Thanks a lot !
16 Replies
Here is my docker-compose file
I already tried to set the port to 5000, but the result is the same.
@Postiz please help @guim31
use a domain like postiz.homelab.local and use R2 storage cloudflare when hosting locally otherwise you might encounter issues
Thanks for your answer. To be honest I think this is way above my skills (for the R2 storage) and I thought I could just run it locally. Sad to see this is not possible.
r2 is well documented, its not too difficult
As I use a reverse proxy on my Unraid server (swag) , is there any .conf I should use ?
Thanks again for your help
I don't have any experience with unraided and swag, but you basically have to point the domain on port 443 (https) to localhost on port 5000
this is the setting on my reverse proxy :
Ok, I'll try something with this !
I managed to make it work using a domain name I already own. Thanks a lot !
Hi @guim31 please close this using this
It seems I can't do it.
"You don't have permission to mark this question as solved. Only the thread author or users with the permissions Administrator, ManageChannels, ManageThreads, ManageGuild can mark a question as solved."
Ah @egelhaus
I don’t have any the Permissions I think
Never mind
Yeah we gotta improve our Support System