Low damage
Where I talk for this low damage issue
Game id : 51653105306
Server : Asia
Device : iqoo neo 10
Software version: PD2425_A_15.0.12.14.W10.V000L1
Network: wifi & Data both data use gramophone sim card
Country: Bangladesh, Narayanganj
Solution:Jump to solution
I understand. You can report this issue through https://pubgmobile.live/support with a video recording.
3 Replies
What do you mean by low damage issue?
If I fire at the enemy first, but the enemy fires back later and knocks me, sometimes the bullets don’t connect properly, and the headshots don’t register. When I spray from a long distance, the shots don’t connect.
I understand. You can report this issue through https://pubgmobile.live/support with a video recording.