Custom page - invoking "standard" resource features
I have a custom filament page which generates results for example as shown in this image
Each row will be a record from one of 4 tables (and I have a filament resource for each) . What I want to do is to click for example the "eye" icon and then show an infolist in a slideover for the specific id of the object. It seems to me that all the composnents etc already exist, just need to know how I might connect them together.
Is this possible?
Solution:Jump to solution
Am closing this now as I have redesigned my solution after watching some Laracast video content. Issue I have to solve is now I think much simpler - I started a new discussion for this entitled "Infolists / Action button"
5 Replies
OK thanks - how would i see what args have to be passed to the infolist() function - is that documented somewhere or is it a case of digging out the core filament code and habving a look at it?
Thanks for the pointers - been away on other tasks for a couple of days but am now back on this.
So I have code that seems syntactically right but doesn't do as I want. In essence, I click a button in the blade defined thus:
<x-filament::button label="View" wire:click="slideObjAction({{ $result->id }})" />
<x-filament-actions::modals />
Then the function slideObjAction is defined in my controller
public function slideObjAction($id): Action
$record = ArchObject::find($id);
$infolist = ArchObjectResource::infolist(Infolist::make()->record($record));
log::info('About to return view');
return Action::make('view')
->label('View Details')
->action(function () use ($infolist) {
// Fetch the model using the ID
When I click the button "nothing happens" and I don't see anything in laravel.log nor in the browser console to help diagnose the problem.
Any ideas?Solution
Am closing this now as I have redesigned my solution after watching some Laracast video content. Issue I have to solve is now I think much simpler - I started a new discussion for this entitled "Infolists / Action button"