GPD WIN Mini 2024: Gamepad controls randomly won't work on some boots

i got a win mini for christmas this year. first thing I did with it was install Bazzite because I can't stand windows anymore. so far, this has been great! the only issue i'm having is where the built-in gamepad just sometimes isn't detected by the system at all. i have yet to find a cause, and as far as i can tell, it's just completely random. this problem seems to be limited to when the win mini is set to gamepad mode. if i set it to mouse mode, it works fine, but obviously this means i can't use it as a game controller. the issue also seems to persist when switching between game mode and desktop mode. so far, the only fix i've found is to just restart the device until the controller is finally detected. any ideas on how i could start solving this...?
10 Replies
jackOP4w ago
also using KDE Plasma for my DE if that helps
antheas4w ago
Drop a bug report here from hhd when that happens
antheas4w ago
Yeah that's the bug There is a kernel driver gyro bug So sometimes it locks If you disable motion it will always work
jackOP4w ago
crap am i completely unable to use gyro at all then? or is there another way?
antheas4w ago
This bug is annoying but happens rarely enough Where it's a pain to fix and not that big of a deal Will be fixed eventually. You can toggle the controller settings a bit and it fixed itself
jackOP4w ago
is there a tracking issue for it anywhere? i cant find anything on the issue tracker
antheas4w ago
i just tried to fix it, testing hopefully it was that
I find that just shutting down the device fully rather than rebooting usually makes it work again.
antheas4w ago
should be fixed in latest testing and next version

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