Account ban without any reason #help

Hello Pubgm Team, I'm Playing Pubgm Since_Season 3 And I Never Used Gfx Tools, Files, Hacks, Didnt Violate Any 0f The Mentioned Guidelines Always Did My Best To Improve My Gaming Skills, But Due To A Bug My Account Got Banned, Uid5367671561 Kindly Look For ward To It I've Alot 0f Memories With It And It's Fruit 0f The Hardwork 0f My Years, Please Look Forward To My Request nd UnBan It #help
Accounts are suspended for violating PUBG MOBILE's terms of service, whether it was done by the owner or someone else that has compromised your account. Your only option is to use the File Claim option if you wish to appeal for your account suspension. If you have any objections to claim results, please contact the customer service through in-game or by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. If your issue is not resolved after receiving a response, you may create a post with a description, your numeric user identification and a screenshot of the customer service conversation on the official support subreddit....
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2 Replies
.Ṇadïa.🌴2mo ago
Accounts are suspended for violating PUBG MOBILE's terms of service, whether it was done by the owner or someone else that has compromised your account. Your only option is to use the File Claim option if you wish to appeal for your account suspension. If you have any objections to claim results, please contact the customer service through in-game or by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. If your issue is not resolved after receiving a response, you may create a post with a description, your numeric user identification and a screenshot of the customer service conversation on the official support subreddit.
WAQAROP2mo ago
without reason but they say I'm using something.. i can provide my gameplay videos from YouTube + TikTok

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