Can you help me understand the process of creating custom pages.
Part of my app, I would like to display a list of models related to the parent resource. Lets just use Users who like a Hobby for an example.
First thought would be to create a relationship manager. And I can get the list of users to display. But If users should have control of their own profile, I don't need the standard user management screen.
I believe info lists are likely what is needed for this. As most data will be read only, but there also needs to be a few moderation options available for admin.
So should I create this like an edit form in the user resource and set most things as read-only? Or how do I mix info lists with form components on one page? Do I need to make a custom page, or is this all handled in the user resource for the admin panel?
(I'll also need a userResource for the user himself to edit- Im assuming in a user panel)
Also, can widgets be added to the relationship manager above the index table?
I'm just trying to figure out if I need to make custom pages or livewire components for all this, or if it all goes in the Resource or relationship manager file.
I'm just a little confused with all the components and how they need to be structured to interact with each other.
1 Reply
Sounds like a standard relationship manager to me.