High level suggestions for building a Frontend form builder?
We're using Filmanet as a CMS for our Nextjs frontend.
What we need is the ability to create custom completely arbitrary Inquiry forms that will be shown on the frontend.
This seemed simple enough for me, just using a Builder and blocks for the input types, but it gets a bit complicated with dependent fields
Eg. There might be a 3 options Radio as the first input field
and all the other input fields differ basesd on what radio option is selected
If Radio 1:
- Text input
- Date picker
If Radio 2:
- Select with xy options
- Text area
If radio 3:
- text area
I am trying to think a bit for the future, that there might be dependent radios, or selects within the dependant parent as well
Just curious if anyone has done something like this before and has any pointers. The form is only for the frontend, it won't be filled in or anything on Filament, just the input building.
1 Reply
I haven't yet, but I suspect you'll just want a conditions table, which conditions X field based on Y Field.