5col Corne Firmware/Connectivity issues
Just finished building a 5col corne with the no solder header. I plugged in the left side, and dragged the firmware on (first I accidentally used the 6col, when I turned the keyboard on I got nothing).
When I switched to the 5col firmware, only one key is working. Now, unfortunately, when I connect it to my computer, I can't get it to go into bootloader mode. Double tapping the reset key doesn't cause it to show up as a drive on my computer.
I also tried with the right side, loaded the 5col default firmware, and the keyboard wouldn't function, but now it's having the same bootloader issue. What am I missing here?
The only one key working led me to believe I messed something up with the build, but now not being able to get into bootloader is leading me to other questions. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here.
One other data point is that when I loaded the wrong firmware on the left side the first time, when I went to put the correct default firmware on, I removed all of the files from the keyboard. But I did not do this to the right side.
any ideas?
110 Replies
I also connected them via bluetooth and still not working
i would try flashing a reset firmware and then re-flashing. you shouldn't ever need to remove files from the drive. https://zmk.dev/docs/troubleshooting/connection-issues#building-a-reset-firmware
Connection Issues | ZMK Firmware
Troubleshooting wireless connection issues of ZMK devices.
i also flashed my 5 col with a 6 col firmware (several times actually 😂 ) and ended up fine
if you can't get it to bootloader though.. not sure
yeah, bootloader started working again
I tried again, keep getting this error though:
and now the z/c/b keys work, as well as my outermost thumb key
thats normal, the bootloader just resets so fast that the computer thinks you yanked it
hmm okay
it doesn't bother to unmount
how can I find reset firmware to flash?
Flashing Issues | ZMK Firmware
Troubleshooting issues when flashing ZMK firmware to devices.
that explains the issue ^
oh, if only I actually followed the link you supplied 🤣
it may not be necessary, but its quick to try
oh do they have reset firmware there?
the bulk of that page is just saying to ignore that error
you just add it as an additional build target essentially. First link
i would try flashing a reset firmware and then re-flashing. you shouldn't ever need to remove files from the drive. https://zmk.dev/docs/troubleshooting/connection-issues#building-a-reset-firmware
Connection Issues | ZMK Firmware
Troubleshooting wireless connection issues of ZMK devices.
If you have a bootloader though you should be able to just try again with the proper 5 col layout and i would think it would work
oh okay, so I have to fully set up zmk for this to work
okay, yeah, so I was able to get back to the bootloader
ah, you're using the fw from the build docs?
and flashing the 5col default gave me only a few keys working... does that point towards an issue with the construction?
(my building of it, that is)
if its a consistent row or column that works or doesn't work then yes
but if its seemingly random then probably not
the pins on the mcu each lead to a row or column, so if one pin is bad you'll get one dimension that doesn't work
Yeah it doesn’t seem to be column/row specific
is it a lot that don't work or seems to be a select few?
Well unless it’s 2 columns , but only the last row lol
Z/c/b and then my outermost thumb key seem to be working
Normal querty layout
and no other keys?
what about the other side?
No keys on the other side are working
that could be pairing - a little hard to say without a screen if they are in fact paired or not
I do see that the no solder header has a lot of play in how the controller sits, does that factor in at all?
it should be flush against the black plastic
Yeah, would I expect the right side to work if it’s still plugged in after flashing?
unfortunately no - it will always communicate through the left
Ahhh, I think it does get pushed down a bit to plug the usb-c cable in
But okay, that helps to know
Do I just turn on both sides and put them close to pair ?
you have to hit the reset buttons at the same time
i think a reset firmware flash will also re-open the pairing channel on the central half
hmm okay, pairing is being funky now too. It looks like it will connect and then immediately disconnect (to the computer)
I'll have to do some more troubleshooting
i had some issues with weak connection on mine - i had to use the flag to boost BT but i think the provided fw does that by default. if the left is plugged in, it should communicate to the computer over usb
the bootloader is being very inconsistent, now I cannot get it to happen again
ahh okay, so if I have the left plugged in and pair the right to the left, both sides should work then?
correct ^ that would rule out the bt <> left half
the two sides can only connect wireless (do not plug them together)
I mean I guess if I'm having issues with the keys on the left, that's an issue unto itself
the bootloader is the first thing I'd like to figure out, because it's frustrating that it's not working and then magically will lol
I dunno if any of this has anything to do with me being on a mac
there should be a blue light (its dim) if its in bootloader mode
i use almost exclusively a mac and don't have an issue
I only see a quick blue flash when I plug in the usb c
does it matter if the keyboard is powered on/off when doing this?
power the keyboard on. don't plug in yet. double tap reset. you should see a blue light under the mcu visible through the hole for the usb port
then plug in
it works if you plug in first but just as a sanity check
hmm okay, I don't think I see any blue light when I do that
mine after double tapping reset
yeah, I definitely don't see that
I see a blue light quickly when I power on
but that turns off
is that the same blue light?
that should happen. it should be the same light yes. it should also flash on a single reset tap
on a double tap, it will stay on
oh so this time.. I plugged it in, then hit reset twice and I see the blue light
and it popped up in my finder
maybe battery was low and it was just flashing on quickly then the whole thing was dying
hard to say haha
okay well, now it's different keys XD
I reflashed
and now the columns QAZ/EDC work
but B doesn't work now
if you want to try a reset firmware, this run i had it build one https://github.com/pm0u/zmk-config/actions/runs/12521565598
add reset firmware · pm0u/zmk-config@223d65c
ZMK Configuration for 36 key corne + others. Contribute to pm0u/zmk-config development by creating an account on GitHub.
and the outermost thumb works
ahh thank you! let me try that
i think that should be on the EDC col so that kinda checks out
that also has 5 col firmware but it includes a nice view... may not work but not entirely sure tbh
oh boy, the complexity never ends.
so I did the reset firmware, then disconnected, power cycled, replugged in.. and flashed the original default firmware
now my whole bottom row works 🤣
but nothing else
well, other than z..
xcvb work
do you have the controller with the chips facing the main PCB?
ok haha had to check
something definitely seems weird with the connections
do the halves pair / right side work at all?
looks right at first glance. i just tried out the no solder headers, the board i'm on now has them
i pushed down solidly and then everything seemed to be fine
another trick can be to swap the MCU left and right to try to rule out anything weird with one vs the other. requires a reflash
I'm noticing an orange light when I hit reset now, is that normal?
i think orange is charging
blue should be reset button
oh okay
yeah I can't seem to get it back into bootloader mode
silly question, but how rapid should these double taps of reset be?
it seems like from my fiddling on the first push a blue light comes on and the second tap has to happen before that light goes out. not super fast but within <1s
oh interesting, I'm not getting a blue light even with the first push
it seemed like maybe the battery was low - maybe try plugged in first?
it does have to be on / alive to trigger it
yeah, sorry should have clarified, this is all with it plugged in
is this the same left MCU or did you swap them?
and when i did get it to pair up with my computer, bt said the battery was 100%
I didn't swap them yet
let me try that
yeah thats not always accurate, but could be
it seems like something with that left MCU is messed up tbh
even without it plugged into anything you should be able to power it via usb and flash it (there is a reset procedure that jumps some pins)
hmm, seem to have the same issue with the bootloader
I'm not seeing a blue light any time when i press the reset button
I do see one flash when I plug it in
this is the other mcu, left side still?
correct, MCU from the right side, put into the left side
I also just switched to try a different usb cable as well
not a bad idea
im seeing what happens when i plug mine in
i get a quick flash of blue then it goes out
so that checks out
then if i hit reset button, i get a blue light. Double tap reset and the blue light stays on
also without a view, I only have the side headers in, correct
not the small one that was also included?
I didn't see anywhere that that connected with the mcu
theres a 3 pin one that would go into the back of the mcu for i'm not sure exactly what
you only need the side ones
oh okay cool, I only have the sides
but yeah, so I have the same bootloader issue with both mcus, even if I put the original back in the right side, it also doesn't seem to get into bootloader mode
sanity check - power is a switch reset is a button we are talking about the button
hahah, worthwhile check, but correct, I'm hitting the button
i'm a bit stumped. My thoughts at this point are that there's some sort of connection issue with the headers or MCU.
Plugged in, there should be a flash of blue light. Double tap reset, and you should get a pulsing blue indicating bootloader mode
that should happen regardless of most connections, aside from the reset switch - it would need a valid connection to that to work
yeah, so I'm getting the flash of blue light for sure when I plug in..
but no blue light when bootloader. now it did work a couple times, but very inconsistent.. but now I don't seem to be able to get it to work at all
Troubleshooting - nice!nano
Troubleshooting tips for the nice!nano
its possible that something got messed up when you deleted those files, but honestly my knowledge is not in depth enough to know what that meant
which yeah, may indicate an issue with connection.. since that nicenano moves around quite a bit (up and down) maybe sometihng's weird there?
well, the last time I got it into bootloader mode, those extra files were there again
if you think its a connection, these pins will reset it regardless of the header connection
Getting Started - nice!nano
A quick guide on how to get started with your nice!nano
pins 3-4 on the left side (usb away from you, face down)
if you jump them twice it should go into bootloader mode while plugged into a usb cord
Pinout and Schematic - nice!nano
Pinout and schematic for the nice!nano
they should be labeled also
oh ! doing that made it go into bootloader mode!
ok, so that suggests something is messed up with the headers i would think
yeahhh, hmm
sanity check.. the shorter pins go down into the board, right?
hm to be honest, not sure i thought about it haha
not sure there are different lengths - we are talking about these headers? https://typeractive.xyz/products/no-solder-spring-headers
No-Solder Spring Headers
Socket your nice!nano and nice!view without soldering!* These spring headers are specially selected for our kits allowing you to install your nice!nano above our batteries with a couple of careful pushes into the through holes on your PCB! The nice!view pack allows you to fit it right above the nice!nano without any so
it seems like it has to.. or the other ones would not allow the mcu to sit on the battery
it probably came with standard ones in the bag
maybe I put the wrong ones in!
if you separately ordered no solder, they are probably packaged separately
I see them
or chose no solder, either way. I think there's a set of headers in the bag for the n!n regardless - just like default ones
let me try and install these
those should kind of snap in
oh my god
there it is
tada hahaha
also makes sense why I was like "it moves around a lot"
and you were like
yeah hahaa. i mean it moves, but like not really unless you are really messing with it hah
oh man
well I'm happy/sad it ended up being something so hairbrained
but thank you soooo so much for your help
lol well glad its solved. now go learn how to type on it!
hahaha, the real challenge
thanks again!
last thing I have going on now is not having the right side pairing
seems theres a fair bit of docs I can go through first though
yep, all good with doing a firmware reset on both halves