Add laravel-comments to a RelationManager.

I followed the talk that Dan Harrin and Freek had about two years ago about Spaties laravel-comments in Filament v2. Also saw the v2 trick for this. I made changes to the examples to make it work on FilamentV3 and I made some real progress, showing thc comments connected to a Resourcewith a widget. There is also a CommentsResource which I have add will upon request. However, now I need the Comments on a RelationManager and don't see how to get the Widget working on a RelationManager. Given the simplicity of the Widget what can I do with a page or livewire component? This is a paid plugin so no channel? install laravel-client and the livewire plugin In App\Providers\AppServiceProvider. boot method
fn (): string => Blade::render('@laravelCommentsLivewireStyles'),

fn (): string => Blade::render('@laravelCommentsLivewireScripts'),
fn (): string => Blade::render('@laravelCommentsLivewireStyles'),

fn (): string => Blade::render('@laravelCommentsLivewireScripts'),
Then in the model
use Spatie\Comments\Models\Concerns\HasComments;

use HasComments;
public function commentableName(): string
return $this->first_name .' ' .$this->last_name ;
public function commentUrl(): string
return '';
use Spatie\Comments\Models\Concerns\HasComments;

use HasComments;
public function commentableName(): string
return $this->first_name .' ' .$this->last_name ;
public function commentUrl(): string
return '';

namespace App\Filament\Widgets;

use Filament\Widgets\Widget;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Comments extends Widget
protected static string $view = 'filament.widgets.comments';

public Model $record;

public function getColumnSpan(): int | string | array
return $this->columnSpan;


namespace App\Filament\Widgets;

use Filament\Widgets\Widget;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Comments extends Widget
protected static string $view = 'filament.widgets.comments';

public Model $record;

public function getColumnSpan(): int | string | array
return $this->columnSpan;

widgit view
<livewire:comments :model="$record" />
<livewire:comments :model="$record" />
All of the above works in a resource when I add the widget to getWidgets() This does not work in the RelationManager getFooterWidgets() Or getWidgets()
1 Reply
ddoddsrOP3mo ago

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