back for support
hey again i told you i will come back soon so i open ticket and did as you said last time but till now no answer from riot only blitzcrank bot
i still cant recover my account @Saint Schmickolas i was here from other discord account but it got banned from lfg and this server at the same time
25 Replies
my other discord account called mr momo
Your only way of recovering your account is through riot support
true but if the support gonna answer i would not come here
When did you write the ticket
already opend many ticket but only but reply
since 2 month every 2 week i make ticket and no reply
And what does the bot say?
they will reply in 3 or 4 days and then nothing happen only waiting
blitzcrank bot
We live and learn my friend exhales
learn what ?
My bad wrong guy
unfortunately i have no other suggestions for you. you can try '@' Riot support on twitter
WHO TOLD you i didnt . nothing happen aswell
so, you're here pinging me for help and then yelling at me about things i couldn't possibly know when i offer it? no thanks, i'm done.
yelling ? i dont know you to yell at you
sorry if you understand it wrong
i just said i tried on twitter or webiste support everywhere
and im back herr becuse you said if they dont answer come back here
caps means yelling in text
but even without the caps, "who told you i didnt" is snarky, implying i should have assumed you did already and not suggested it
i dont recall telling you, or anyone, to come back here if they dont answer. i'm not sure why i would say that as there's nothing else i could do to help. i just searched the server for messages between us and nothing comes up except the ones in this thread
unless you are on a diff discord account now

that's the entirety of our conversation history
note if you keep opening tickets on the same thing over and over, you may get blocked out of support
i said at the first message that this diffrent discord account cuz the other one is banned from lfg and valorant discord
and sorry i dont really use english to know caps is yelling i use german and arabic and in both caps dosent mean anythimg
anyway thank you was so much helpful to come here
i didnt read the entire thread
not anything about you . Riot support need support
have nice evening
sorry about your account and that i can't do anything
not you fault . You were helpful . But fr riot need support to help thir support team
they are following policies, so not really an issue of needing help
Again have nice evening
true but im not getting answer from human its only blitzcrank bot