background on beta image

can someone show a example how to set an background on the beta image? I believe i had a extra volume path before.
container_name: homarr
restart: unless-stopped
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- $DOCKERDIR/homarr/appdata:/appdata
container_name: homarr
restart: unless-stopped
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- $DOCKERDIR/homarr/appdata:/appdata
14 Replies
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot5d ago
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IIIdefconIII ︻デ═一
i uploaded a file form the manage page called: wallpaper10.jpg what should i set as path here?
No description
IIIdefconIII ︻デ═一
doesnt put any URL on the clipboard
No description
GkhnG5d ago
volumes: - /Homarr-directory/nextjs/public/:/app/apps/nextjs/public/ You should copy the public folder you downloaded from Github to the homarr directory/public folder. Then copy your own images to the public directory. You can access it from http://homarr address:port/folder/image.jpg or enter /folder name/image.jpg in the settings.
IIIdefconIII ︻デ═一
hi man thanks for ur reply but thats an invalid mount point im on the the beta version and yesterday people said the volume mappings are different
GkhnG4d ago
I've been using it this way without any problems in the 1.0 beta version. Download homarr beta from github and extract it to your home directory. Change the folder name to homarr and mount it to docker. The mount path should be as follows volumes: - /home/yourlinuxusername/homarr/apps/nextjs/public/:/app/apps/nextjs/public/ You can access the images you upload to the public folder as http://homarraddress:port/image.jpg or png, svg. or you can enter it as /image.jpg in the settings background section.
Meierschlumpf4d ago
You shouldn't do it this way (with the mount). We added the medias management page for that but in the beta there is currently a bug that it only queries the local medias from the database again when you restart your container @IIIdefconIII ︻デ═一 @GkhnG . See this issue for reference
bug: local icon repository does not work with media · Issue #1677 ·...
It does not work because the data that is used to show the icons is only updated once a week or after restarting the container
IIIdefconIII ︻デ═一
Thanks for the reply I'll wait gently That's an invalid internal mount adress...
Meierschlumpf4d ago
fix(icons): local icon repository does not work with medias by Meie...
Homarr Thank you for your contribution. Please ensure that your pull request meets the following pull request: Builds without warnings or errors (pnpm buid, autofix with pnpm format:fix) Pull r...
Meierschlumpf3d ago
Fixed in about 25 minutes in release v1.0.0-beta.7
IIIdefconIII ︻デ═一
is the beta 7 using a other image tag?
Meierschlumpf8h ago
No it should not

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