ROG Ally - Can't reassign back buttons?
Hi, as title says, I can't seem to reassign the two buttons in the back of the rog Ally.
On HHD I put "Dualsense" as emulation as I read somewhere that could be the reason, I then edit their function while in game pressing the "Steam" button and editing layout. Even if in the layout I see the command I choose, in game it does not works.
Anyone could help me?
Thank you in advance.
17 Replies
Use dual sense edge
Then you can assign them from Steam
Yes, that's what I'm doing, what for some reasons it looks like it's not working!
(sorry for the bad picture)

That seems right to me, and the inputs just aren't being honored in steam input?
use the steam tester
controller tester
I'm sorry, I was not clear, they works (the controller tester sees them, it change L4 or R4* from false to true correctly). It's just like it does not takes my edited layout?
For example, I was playing Firewatch, I pressed "Steam" button, edited the layout and for testing I reassigned the left dorsal as up dpad. Up dpad does its stuff but left dorsal does not.
make sure its the correct button
I'm using the rog Ally skin, it should be just L[B] and R[B] right?

Well, no, it's not? At least, not for Firewatch.
If I go to "controller settings" I see 4 dorsal buttons settings, M1, M2, L[B] and R[B].
This does not happens in other games, I only see L[B] and R[B] , but I have the same problem.
I'm trying now with Devil May Cry 5.
Steam always assumes four because that's what these controllers and the steam deck have
Just two of them will be functional for you, matching your hardware
The weird thing is only in Firewatch I see the four of them, in Devil May Cry 5 I see two of them and they are not working (to be fair, they are the two that are not working in Firewatch)
Wait, maybe I'm getting it.
First of all, thank you all for your time.
It looks like I'm successfully rebinding them to controller action. But i can't rebind them to mouse, keyboard and system stuff, right?
The one in this menu, just to be clear.

No, wait, in DmC5 only one of the two it's working?
You should be able to bind them to anything you like
There's no limit
Okay, I think, it was an "handheld controller glyphs" plugin problem honestly
Like it shows me the wrong buttons. I de-loaded it, now it shows the four buttons and if I try all of them two of them will work.
I will do some tests, but I think this was the problem.
Really sorry about wasting your time, I did not know about the four steam inputs thing and so I did not think about it.
All good, glad it's working
depends on the game
some will not let you match steam input actions with kbd
or the opossite
it really was, the dualsense back buttons were swapped in the theme, updated now
what made it worse is that the theme tries to hide the unusable buttons for the device to minimize confusion