Friend passed away, get access to their account?

I had a friend pass away earlier this year and his family is having a hard time getting into his accounts. They have the death certificate etc, is there a way to access his Cloudflare account with this information?
7 Replies
Erisa3mo ago
Hey, sorry to hear about this. What I'd recommend is filling out the form at (the link only works when logged out) and enter what information you do have as well as mentioning the context and the documents you have available in the details field. It has options for if you dont have access to the email address. If you share the ticket number after opening the ticket then I can flag it to Cloudflare's support team and ensure someone looks at it, though there unfortunately may still be some delays due to the holiday season.
someguyOP5w ago
Thank you @Erisa! Having the family do that now and I will get a ticket number, totally understand delays around this time @Erisa He finally submitted it, case number 01373936
Erisa5w ago
Thank you I've added that to the community escalation queue, so someone from Cloudflare will look at it when they can
someguyOP4w ago
you're amazing Just curious is there expected timeframe for these types of requests?
Erisa4w ago
There isn't, but it's strange that one hasn't been actioned yet, let me follow up
someguyOP2w ago
Just pinging again here, he never ended up hearing anything got escalted, ty!
Erisa2w ago
Glad it got somewhere, sorry I didn't reply to your last message but the usual community escalation methods didn't seem to be working so I raised it directly to the Community Manager which seemed to do the trick

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