Cluster page canAccess is being run when not going to that route.

Hello, I'm baffled why canAccess is being run in a cluster page app/Filament/Clusters/Connections/Pages/Connect.php When my route is app/Filament/Pages/Profile.php Does filament go through every can access when it loads? I found out it was breaking because I changed an id but that Id would be invalid for the cluster but the canAccess in my Profile page would have passed. Profile.php has nothing to do with cluster. is it because its being loaded as a link in the sidebar?
2 Replies
awcodes2mo ago
Long story short, I believe the answer is yes. Every navigation item has its own check. And since clusters are sub items the check will still run for the parent resource navigation item.
thedanglerOP2mo ago
Hmm is there any tricks to not have this happen... it might break in certain situations

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