Are there any suggestions for message housekeeping? Especially since you Archive Messages.
Since the patch notes "Archiving vs. removal: Notifications are now archived instead of removed, preserving historical data and preventing accidental data loss." We are wondering whats the best practices in general for house keeping of messages. Are e.g. read messages but not archived deleted at some point automatically? Do you suggest to do the housekeeping yourself for each "workflow" type of message?
If you don't have any housekeeping solution i think we just use the delete API and probably define a policy where we delete messages which are read after 14 days and when archived after a year, or do you think this is a bad idea.
10 Replies
@YingPang, you just advanced to level 2!
We have defualt 30 days retention period for old messages in free tier

@Pawan Jain thanks, but thats not for the self hosted one, so when you selfhost do you have the possibility to modify that yourself or do you actually have to add houskeeping alltogether?
Can you share your self host version?
we're on v2.1.0
@Pawan Jain do you have an update to this?
YingPang, you will have to manage housekeeping yourself in case of self hosting
ok great to know! thanks a lot
do you have an example for individual houskeeping? this is i guess something for the enterprise edition as you have a unlimited offering there too.
Unfortunately, No. We don't have any suggestion for that
ok no problem 🙂 thanks a lot for the feedback