Build failing since past couple of iterations

So my build is failing with the reason of invalid schema, even though I did not make any changes to the reciple.yml Here's the recipe file: Here's the error log: Just wanted to know if there has been any change in the schema as I don't see any in the docs.
uos-thinkpad-e14-gen-5/recipes/recipe.yml at main · antidoid/uos-th...
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5 Replies
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker3mo ago
It's line 82 in your recipe. You have a null property remove:. You'll either want to comment that out or set it to remove: [] If you add the yaml-language-server line at the top of your file, your language server supported text editor will highlight errors for you I'm working on a way to make the error messages better so that things will be clearer
antiderivativeOP3mo ago
That fixed the first error For the second error I noticed that the bre update-interval now takes string instead of list In the examples , there's a way to set the that string to n hours, any clue how to set it to n days For now I've set it up to "24h"
Luke Skywunker
Luke Skywunker3mo ago
@fiftydinar or @xyny would you be able to check on that and update the schema if this holds true?
fiftydinar3mo ago
just inputting 7d works you inputted array, which is not accepted I see that syntax in docs is unclear, hence why you inputted that
antiderivativeOP3mo ago
Got it Thanks for clearing that out

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