Nuxt2mo ago

hydration error

<NuxtLink :to="isAuth() ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuth()">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />
<NuxtLink :to="isAuth() ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuth()">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />
[Vue warn]: Hydration attribute mismatch on <a href=​"/​api/​auth">​…​</a>​
- rendered on server: href="/api/auth"
- expected on client: href="/servers"
Note: this mismatch is check-only. The DOM will not be rectified in production due to performance overhead.
You should fix the source of the mismatch.
at <RouterLink ref=fn to="/servers" activeClass=undefined ... >
at <NuxtLink to="/servers" external=false >
at <Index onVnodeUnmounted=fn<onVnodeUnmounted> ref=Ref< undefined > >
at <Anonymous key="/" vnode= {__v_isVNode: true, __v_skip: true, type: {…}, props: {…}, key: null, …} route= {fullPath: '/', hash: '', query: {…}, name: 'index', path: '/', …} ... >
at <RouterView name=undefined route=undefined >
at <NuxtPage>
at <Default ref=Ref< undefined > >
at <AsyncComponentWrapper ref=Ref< undefined > >
at <LayoutLoader key="default" layoutProps= {ref: RefImpl} name="default" >
at <NuxtLayoutProvider layoutProps= {ref: RefImpl} key="default" name="default" ... >
at <NuxtLayout>
at <App key=4 >
at <NuxtRoot>
[Vue warn]: Hydration attribute mismatch on <a href=​"/​api/​auth">​…​</a>​
- rendered on server: href="/api/auth"
- expected on client: href="/servers"
Note: this mismatch is check-only. The DOM will not be rectified in production due to performance overhead.
You should fix the source of the mismatch.
at <RouterLink ref=fn to="/servers" activeClass=undefined ... >
at <NuxtLink to="/servers" external=false >
at <Index onVnodeUnmounted=fn<onVnodeUnmounted> ref=Ref< undefined > >
at <Anonymous key="/" vnode= {__v_isVNode: true, __v_skip: true, type: {…}, props: {…}, key: null, …} route= {fullPath: '/', hash: '', query: {…}, name: 'index', path: '/', …} ... >
at <RouterView name=undefined route=undefined >
at <NuxtPage>
at <Default ref=Ref< undefined > >
at <AsyncComponentWrapper ref=Ref< undefined > >
at <LayoutLoader key="default" layoutProps= {ref: RefImpl} name="default" >
at <NuxtLayoutProvider layoutProps= {ref: RefImpl} key="default" name="default" ... >
at <NuxtLayout>
at <App key=4 >
at <NuxtRoot>
im getting this error as isAuth() starts as false then goes to true
5 Replies
kapa.ai2mo ago
Hi @ethan!. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- This hydration error is a common issue in Nuxt 3 when using dynamic values that change between server-side rendering and client-side hydration. In your case, the isAuth() function is returning different values on the server and client, causing a mismatch in the rendered HTML. To resolve this issue, you have a few options: 1. Use client-side rendering for this component: You can wrap the component in a <ClientOnly> tag to ensure it only renders on the client side:
<NuxtLink :to="isAuth() ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuth()">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />

<NuxtLink :to="isAuth() ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuth()">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />

2. Use a reactive value instead of a function: If isAuth() is a function that checks a reactive state, consider using a computed property or a ref instead:
<script setup>
const isAuthenticated = ref(false)

// Update isAuthenticated when auth state changes
onMounted(() => {
// Check auth state and update isAuthenticated

<NuxtLink :to="isAuthenticated ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuthenticated">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />

<script setup>
const isAuthenticated = ref(false)

// Update isAuthenticated when auth state changes
onMounted(() => {
// Check auth state and update isAuthenticated

<NuxtLink :to="isAuthenticated ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuthenticated">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />

3. Use useAsyncData or useFetch to ensure consistent data between server and client: If the authentication state depends on an API call or some asynchronous operation, you can use useAsyncData or useFetch to ensure the data is consistent:
<script setup>
const { data: isAuthenticated } = await useAsyncData('auth', () => checkAuthStatus())
<NuxtLink :to="isAuthenticated ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuthenticated">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />

<script setup>
const { data: isAuthenticated } = await useAsyncData('auth', () => checkAuthStatus())
<NuxtLink :to="isAuthenticated ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuthenticated">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />

These solutions should help you avoid the hydration mismatch error. The key is to ensure that the data used for rendering is consistent between the server and client sides. For more information on handling hydration errors in Nuxt 3, you can refer to these resources: - Nuxt 3: The new Vue 3.4 feature NOBODY talks about… (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4-OjlicbiY) - Stack Overflow: Hydration text mismatch in Nuxt 3 (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77900809) Remember that hydration errors are often a sign of inconsistency between server-side rendering and client-side state. Always aim to have a consistent initial state that can be hydrated correctly on the client side. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai2mo ago
<@495953543543521280> Kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let me know how I did by reacting below.
ethan!OP2mo ago
@kapa.ai i want to use option 3 but here's my functions:
const isAuth = () => {
return !!user.value && user.value.status === "success";

const getUserClient = async () => {
const { data: res, status } = useLazyFetch<CustomUser | null>("/api/auth/status", {
headers: useRequestHeaders(["cookie"])

user.value = status.value === "pending"
? { status: "pending" }
: {
status: "success"
const isAuth = () => {
return !!user.value && user.value.status === "success";

const getUserClient = async () => {
const { data: res, status } = useLazyFetch<CustomUser | null>("/api/auth/status", {
headers: useRequestHeaders(["cookie"])

user.value = status.value === "pending"
? { status: "pending" }
: {
status: "success"
kapa.ai2mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you again. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Based on the functions you've provided, we can adapt the solution to use useAsyncData as suggested in option 3. Here's how you can modify your code to ensure consistent data between server and client:
const { data: authStatus } = await useAsyncData('authStatus', async () => {
const { data: res, status } = await useFetch<CustomUser | null>("/api/auth/status", {
headers: useRequestHeaders(["cookie"])

if (status.value === "pending") {
return { status: "pending" };
} else {
return {
status: "success"

const isAuth = computed(() => {
return !!authStatus.value && authStatus.value.status === "success";
const { data: authStatus } = await useAsyncData('authStatus', async () => {
const { data: res, status } = await useFetch<CustomUser | null>("/api/auth/status", {
headers: useRequestHeaders(["cookie"])

if (status.value === "pending") {
return { status: "pending" };
} else {
return {
status: "success"

const isAuth = computed(() => {
return !!authStatus.value && authStatus.value.status === "success";
Now you can use isAuth in your template like this:
<NuxtLink :to="isAuth ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuth">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />
<NuxtLink :to="isAuth ? '/servers' : '/api/auth'" :external="!isAuth">
<Button class="w-52 h-14 text-lg" variant="secondary">
<Icon name="mdi:view-dashboard" size="25px" />
This approach has several benefits: 1. It uses useAsyncData, which ensures that the data is fetched on the server and properly hydrated on the client, avoiding hydration mismatches Docs > Getting-started > Data fetching (https://nuxt.com/docs/getting-started/data-fetching#the-need-for-usefetch-and-useasyncdata). 2. We've replaced useLazyFetch with useFetch inside the useAsyncData handler. This ensures that the data is fetched on the server side as well, which is crucial for proper hydration Docs > Getting-started > Data fetching (https://nuxt.com/docs/getting-started/data-fetching#usefetch). 3. The isAuth is now a computed property based on the authStatus data. This ensures reactivity and consistency between server and client. 4. By using useAsyncData, we're leveraging Nuxt's built-in caching and state management, which can improve performance and reduce unnecessary API calls. Remember that useAsyncData is meant to be called directly in a setup function, plugin, or route middleware Docs > Api > Composables > useAsyncData (https://nuxt.com/docs/api/composables/use-async-data). Make sure you're calling this in the appropriate place in your component or page setup. This solution should resolve your hydration mismatch issue while maintaining the functionality of your original code. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai2mo ago
<@495953543543521280> Kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let me know how I did by reacting below.

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