Fileupload doesnt save original name in attachment_file_names

I have this action:
public function uploadAction(): Action
return Action::make('upload')
// ...
public function uploadAction(): Action
return Action::make('upload')
// ...
But after successfully uploading the file, the record is null. I did set attachment_file_names as a json collumn in my migration, I added it in the $fillable array and its casting to array
34 Replies
charlie3mo ago
casting to array is for multiple files
MatthewOP3mo ago
I also tried uploading multiple Still nothing Update:
public function uploadAction(): Action
return Action::make('upload')
// ...
->directory($this->filamentLatex->id . '/files'),
public function uploadAction(): Action
return Action::make('upload')
// ...
->directory($this->filamentLatex->id . '/files'),
So i also tried adding the ->model() callable
charlie3mo ago
if you don't have ->multiple(), you shouldn't cast to an array
MatthewOP3mo ago
I remvoed it in the example because I was trying something 😅 . But even with that, it still doesnt work
charlie3mo ago
ok, I don't know, sorry
MatthewOP3mo ago
Ok, I need to create an ->action() and handle the record manipulation there Its because I have added a form in a custom Filament Action outside of a standard form context.
taka923mo ago
I think you should confirm that the database column attachment_file_names is defined as JSON in your migration, and also, the model
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch3mo ago
He stated exactly that
MatthewOP3mo ago
Any update on this?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch3mo ago
I thought you figured it out here
MatthewOP3mo ago
no sorry, I forgot to reply to that. I couldnt get it to work :/. Unfortunately I dont have the code I wrote, but I can try recreating it
awcodes3mo ago
What do you actually have in the ->action() callback?
MatthewOP3mo ago
At the moment nothing, completely removed. This action function is for my latex plugin where you're supposed to upload files. The problem is, if you upload files without preserving the file names, then you cant give the original file name as input in \includegraphics for example. Im still not sure if its worth saving the original names in columns The only reason why im even considering this is for security
awcodes3mo ago
Hmm, I would still expect preserveFileNames to work. But since this is in a plug-in I don’t think you can depend on the user/dev to set it up appropriately. Doesn’t you plugin have a model with a file column and a column for the filename?
MatthewOP3mo ago
It doess, but they are not used:
TheThunderTurner\FilamentLatex\Models\FilamentLatex {#7547
id: 8,
name: "Test Document",
content: """
% Your content here\n
Hello World\\\n
This is a test\\\n
deadline: "2024-12-18 00:00:00",
author_id: 1,
collaborators_id: "["4","5","3","8","9","6"]",
attachment: null,
attachment_file_names: null,
created_at: "2024-12-16 00:56:04",
updated_at: "2024-12-17 15:35:34",
TheThunderTurner\FilamentLatex\Models\FilamentLatex {#7547
id: 8,
name: "Test Document",
content: """
% Your content here\n
Hello World\\\n
This is a test\\\n
deadline: "2024-12-18 00:00:00",
author_id: 1,
collaborators_id: "["4","5","3","8","9","6"]",
attachment: null,
attachment_file_names: null,
created_at: "2024-12-16 00:56:04",
updated_at: "2024-12-17 15:35:34",
MatthewOP3mo ago
The files are retrieved based on the files that are present in the specified directory
No description
awcodes3mo ago
Where are the files retrieved? I’m not seeing a relationship in that code. Are they even a relationship?
MatthewOP3mo ago
Nope. The files are retrieved like this:
public function getFiles(): array
return array_map('basename', $this->getStorage()->files($this->filamentLatex->id . '/files'));
public function getFiles(): array
return array_map('basename', $this->getStorage()->files($this->filamentLatex->id . '/files'));
Is this stupid? 🤣 . I find this to work really well But not in the upload action obviously. The action just stores them there
awcodes3mo ago
What is calling getFiles()
MatthewOP3mo ago
If youre really curious, you could have a look at my repo: hrere getFiles() is called here Basically in the view
awcodes3mo ago
Where is the FileUpload in the repo. Not seeing it at first glance?
awcodes3mo ago
Does it work if you change remove ->visibility(‘private’) Sorry, I’m trying to help, but I don’t actually know anything about latex. 😅
MatthewOP3mo ago
Ah itss okayy. The issue is more with FileUpload though. If you upload a document, it wont save its name in the column (of course we remove ->preserve() and we have the callback to store the original names in columns)
awcodes3mo ago
I ask about the visibility because I’m not seeing any route to resolve storage assets that aren’t public. When you set visibility to private you have to have a route to resolve them because in laravel those are expected to have verification on them, which storage:link won’t solve. So I’m wondering if the problem isn’t the persistence in the db but an http response. I could be wrong but that’s what it’s looking like to me.
MatthewOP3mo ago
yeppp, thats true. In the config I have an option to set your filesystem. Mine looks like this:
'private' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/private'),
'url' => env('APP_URL') . '/private_storage',
'visibility' => 'private',
'throw' => false,
'private' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/private'),
'url' => env('APP_URL') . '/private_storage',
'visibility' => 'private',
'throw' => false,
Then I give a route here in getPdfUrl. Then the path in web.php is called, whcih calls the controller
awcodes3mo ago
Honestly, though, if it is private and needs to be scoped to clients I wouldn’t even worry about filenames. I would let the defaults work and just let it use uuids for the file names. Ok so theirs a trait for canUseDocument() but where is that url registered in the web routes? Sorry on my phone trying to follow as best I can. The route file looks ok to me. Hmm.🤔
awcodes3mo ago
I’m thinking you have conflicting paths. GetPdfUrl() is using the panel id but your action is using latex id. ? If that makes sense.? I think the directories might be off with the disk.
MatthewOP3mo ago
But why would that interfere with values being saved on the table? Because everything else is fine
awcodes3mo ago
Because the value on the table is just a path from the storage route. When filament reads out the value it uses the Storage facade to get the url. So the directory etc. matters.
MatthewOP3mo ago
Ohhh, interesting... i didnt know that
awcodes3mo ago
You might need to utilize the hydration methods on the field to return the correct url. Not sure but a possibility depending on your app setup/disk config. Disks can get very confusing. 😂 But it’s not necessarily a filament thing, but how disks and storage work in laravel.
MatthewOP3mo ago
Yeahh hahaha Thanks for the help. I will check the paths later

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