24 Replies
Thoughts on this tie? Is it art deco
I don’t think this is the right hat? But would a hat be even used on a boat/indoors
I got a pocket watch and chain to wear
And possibly a vest? How else can I make this more 1920 themed
Idk much about vests but I doubt I can get one that matches the color of my suit exactly
Or I can get a strawboater prob
hard pass on the hat
Just wear a 3-piece suit with a white shirt and that tie and like slick your hair back and you'll look great
I don’t own a 3 pce suit
What can I buy as a vest?
Or any other hats
The best likely won’t match the suit I have so maybe a different color
a straw boater hat like puma said is an option but idt they really wore hats in the movie at all
You could do a contrasting vest. Idk if it's accurate to the time period but it is an option
It's just a single event tho right? I wouldn't fret much and just style your hair in a way that makes sense and wear a suit. Maybe grab a tie from the thrift shop that feels 1920s
They did! I read that thread, gatsby himself wore a strawboater
Yes just a single event
They are spending a lot on it though and want people to dress to theme
And what would contrast a charcoal flannel suit
For vest
idk I'm not inclined to spend a ton of money and time to meet a theme unless I can use it as an excuse to buy items that I've been thinking about and will wear otherwise. If you're not gonna wear it otherwise, don't waste the money
True.. but would a 2 piece suit be ok?
well I mean I assume so, I'm not running the event
But a suit and tie with slicked hair has got to be okay
I’ll get the tie too
And I kind of want to buy a hat for it
You could look at the costumes in “boardwalk empire”
Contrast color collar with a tie pin maybe
yooo im good friends with the guy who played eddie cantor
anyone know a good waistcoat brand?
I cant seem to find any really
and not sure what color..
idk how id wear the watch without a vest is all
Just get a cheap one on eBay. You don’t need a good brand or quality for a one time use
Yeah tbh they are all kind of expensive
And I’m trying to save money
So I’ll prob jsut do the 2 pce suit
With the tie
And pocket square
I figure these themes are more for women anyway.. men kind of just wore suits lol
Flapper dresses are much more interesting
Might also be able to thrift one
I tried to look
Is it necessary?
If so I’ll look more
Not necessary at all
Alright just wondering how to use the watch chain then
As they appear to go to the waistcoat