Hide Profile Menu Item
Hello, Is it possible to hide initial menu item that filament provides? In this case User icon and User name?
8 Replies
it is possible to hide both of them
From my experience, we can implement it through several steps
if you need, I will give you full explanation
maybe using css?
I think it is not a good way
@LeandroFerreira With css works perfectly, was wondering if we hade maybe an override on MenuItem.**
hum, not sure.. take a look
I don't see problem hiding it using css if you only want to "hide" the icon/label..
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. - filamentphp/filament
Yeah, seems like css is only and valid option here.
Since you have a
MenuItem registered, you could instead register the first menu item as your Profile item to override it.