Actions on relation managers load when clicked but never execute the action

The actions that I put on relation managers do not work. They are perfectly set up and visible, but when clicking, they do not execute the actual action callback. The loading spinner loads and the request returns status 200, but nothing happens. I have set up a completely new record with relation manager too and the same happens.
->label('Mark not attending')
->action(function(Model $record, RelationManager $livewire) {
dd('This is not reached');
->label('Mark not attending')
->action(function(Model $record, RelationManager $livewire) {
dd('This is not reached');
The Filament version is 3.2.124 (newest). Some debugging shows:
$this->isLivewireClickHandlerEnabled() // true
$this->getLivewireEventClickHandler() // null
parent::getAlpineClickHandler() // null
$this->canAccessSelectedRecords() // false
$this->generateJavaScriptClickHandler('mountAction') // "mountAction('notAttending', '287888907293561632')"
$this->isLivewireClickHandlerEnabled() // true
$this->getLivewireEventClickHandler() // null
parent::getAlpineClickHandler() // null
$this->canAccessSelectedRecords() // false
$this->generateJavaScriptClickHandler('mountAction') // "mountAction('notAttending', '287888907293561632')"
Any idea what could be causing this?
1 Reply
nicolaibaaringOP3mo ago
In addition, I have tried adding one of the built-in actions, and the result is the same.

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