Vectors conceptual doubt (somewhat SHM related)
In this formula, what is A1 and A2? Clearly they're not interchangeable, as it would change the tan inverse angle

21 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
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to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.In a question, how do you pick A1 and A2?
I have an SHM displacement equation
x(t) = Asin(omegat) + Bcos(omega*t)
And the resultant is supposed to be x(t) = Ccos(omegat - phi)
And idk how to find phi
Phi is phase difference
voh theek hai
but how do i apply the above formula for phi
which is A1, which is A2
Of the two waves that are superimposing
brb u keep typing
For theta leading is used as numerator
Vector addition jesa hai
Although I still have to revise shm I’d say wait for someone with a better explanation
Make 2 vectors: 1 with magnitude A1 and another with magnitude A2 with angle theta between them. Add both the vectors. The angle the resultant makes with the first vector is the phase difference between the two
The 'SHM' vector?
I mean, I couldn't think of a better name but basically the vector with magnitude A1.
okay i get it now
how about the problem I mentioned above?
this one
what is the SHM/A1 vector there
Ek ko x axis ki tarah lelo
Since you know by what one is leading that is phi
You basically find the angle between the first and the resultant. Now the resultant is Asin(kx+phi). Just convert this to cos.
So I can initially pick any one and just convert it to cos at the end?
This is what I meant by take the leading one
Ideally pick the one that's lagging so its easier to do things
Hang on ill try
Something like this (Spoiler-ed if you want to try first.)

yep, got it!
thanks, both of you
+solved @727 @SirLancelotDuLac
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