Question Regarding updates
Are you gonna drop support when official steam OS gets a release? (Rephrased to clarify sorry)
11 Replies
if your question is "Is Bazzite not going to be supported/updated anymore, once official steam OS gets a release?", here is my answer:
While I am not a Bazzite developer, I don't see why support would be dropped, at all. I believe Bazzite was and is not meant to just be a "functioning steamOS ISO" solution, it is way more than that. Additionally, steamOS 3 is based on Arch Linux, while Bazzite is an image of Fedora Atomic. They work differently, use different package managers... and most importantly, people have their preferences! (I prefer Fedora over Arch) official steamOS is going to be preferred by some people, but Bazzite will keep its userbase, so there is no reason for their developpers to stop supporting it (the way I like to see it: Bazzite is just a superior steamOS, but different of course)
While I am not a Bazzite developer, I don't see why support would be dropped, at all. I believe Bazzite was and is not meant to just be a "functioning steamOS ISO" solution, it is way more than that. Additionally, steamOS 3 is based on Arch Linux, while Bazzite is an image of Fedora Atomic. They work differently, use different package managers... and most importantly, people have their preferences! (I prefer Fedora over Arch) official steamOS is going to be preferred by some people, but Bazzite will keep its userbase, so there is no reason for their developpers to stop supporting it (the way I like to see it: Bazzite is just a superior steamOS, but different of course)
no, we still serve a usecase steamos does not fill.
... which is?
(also, not only one usecase... right?)
steamos is immutable, bazzite is atomic
bazzite is suited for more hybrid usecase where you also want to use your system as an actual desktop not just htpc
steamos can do it but its more clunky
still, there is no official announcement yet, so the release of steamOS may include an update that adds features that Bazzite has
still but
is yours on bazzite while on steamos its whitelist based IIRC
meaning it will reset with bigger updates in steamos while in bazzite it wontthe more you know, thanks!
It might change in the future, but I'd imagine Valve would rather not branch out into supporting multiple Desktop environments. Bazzite probably will probably still hold the advantages of Gnome, future Cosmic, future Budgie, and custom images.
Thank you!
And bazzite is ahead of bazzite in terms of system updates
SteamOS hasn’t ever been more than a handheld-focused experience. There’s an intended use case that people try to diverge from without realizing that alternatives such as Bazzite exist to fill that need. Its eventual general release won’t change that design philosophy in a significant way to the point where Bazzite, Chimera or Nobara are rendered moot