Barbour Beaufort looks good?
Hey, so I love the look Barbour gives and I’d like to try longer jackets. Thing is I’m the 1.75m (around 5’10) and I feel like the jacket is sorta baggy in the back and honestly, I don’t know if it looks good on me.
Opinions? Best pics I could get, they’re 2 different models but very different and you can get an idea i guess

26 Replies
Also have vids but I dont know if it would help out much
The most important thing about a Barbour is the sleeve length, if that is fine and you can close the jacket it fits. Those things are supposed to fit like a sack to allow for their liners and layering.
Yeah, my biggest pet peeve is the back - Bedale fitted perfectly but it is too short and not exactly what im looking for. Beaufort feels too baggy in the back and Im scared it gets “wrinkles” way faster
Also asked for opinions and some ppl said it looks bad cause it looks to be cheap quality (obv not true) while others say it looks nice. It comes down to personal taste ofc but Im so divided tbh
It’ll likely be fine once it breaks in and softens up a little, but no way to tell while it’s new.
The back behaves a bit differently because of the pocket as well, so that might play a part in it
The lower back is ok. The problem is the top baxk
Personally I think it’s fine.
If you think it’s problematic probably better to skip out and look for a different waxed jacket
You won’t be able to try it on probably but the Barbour SL Beaufort is a slimmer option
Probably would have to buy online
these people saying Barbour looks cheap are idiots
I think it looks fine, as Holfram says they're supposed to fit loose so you can layer under them. It could be it's just not a style you like which is ok!
It’s intentional
It’s not meant to hug your back like a normal jacket
I think the fullness of the jacket looks really good. And I wouldn’t worry about wrinkles—they’re normal, they just mark the jacket as yours.
Honestly with rugged jackets like these imo they look much better as they acquire signs of wear
I do like it, just not totally sure abput the fact some ppl perceive it as looking cheap and tbh I feel kinda insecure cause idk if I look goofy since im not that tall and not sure if im pulling it off exactly the way i expected
Again, those people are idiots lol
Cause since I think Im not that tall, I feel like those cartoons where two kids on top of each other pretending to be adults, but that could be more with insecurities with my face more than anything (thinking I dont look like an adult enough lol)
You can wear whatever you want regardless of height
anyone who says otherwise is dumb
This has nothing to do with your height. Wear what you like
Yeah sure, but I feel like if I was 20 cm taller or smth it would prob look better
Also 5'10 is not fucking short smh
No, Im not saying that. This is just a personal opinion but I feel like taller people pull off long jackets way better than average height ppl, doesnt mean average heigh ppl cant pull them off tho
If you were 20cm taller it would be even more oversized because you’d need to size up for sleeve length
from a fashion perspective it works, I'll just leave it at that.
Yeah true lol
Your height really doesn’t matter.
That makes me feel better, again I think its more insecurity from my part bc im also doing a closet overhaul so Im unsure at the beginning about what I should wear or not
But theres a style in mind that I want to adopt and its hard right now to envision if it will work like i want it to work out or not
I'm two inches shorter than you fwiw

Definitely just an insecurity that I have I guess
Its all about confidence man, thats something everyone here works on
It looks good, trust
But I guess with time I get used to it, changing my style probably is influencing my vision of myself to force me to stay in a comfortable position
True true