Lily58 Pro after starting sometimes it spams keys
Lily58 Pro after starting sometimes it spams keys. Seems to only be happening just
after starting. I use it on both ubuntu and windows although it seems to be happening more on ubuntu. I did have issues with pairing a few weeks ago did a settings reset following this which fixed that issue, unsure if its related.
18 Replies
It sounds like you're experiencing key spamming issues with your Lily58 Pro, particularly after starting up. This can often be related to a few factors, especially if you've had pairing issues in the past.
1. Key Debouncing: Sometimes, mechanical switches can register multiple presses if they aren't debounced properly. If the issue occurs right after starting, it might be worth checking if the firmware is set up correctly for debouncing.
2. Firmware Issues: Since you mentioned having issues with pairing and performing a settings reset, it's possible that the firmware might not be functioning as intended. Ensure that you have the latest firmware installed. You can find the test files for the Lily58 in the firmware section of our documentation. If you haven't already, consider re-flashing the firmware to see if that resolves the issue.
3. Profile Management: ZMK uses profiles to manage connections. If a profile is active but not properly paired, it might cause erratic behavior. Make sure to clear any existing bonds and try re-pairing your keyboard. You can clear the bond by pressing the
&bt BT_CLR
key on your keyboard.
4. Connection Stability: Since you mentioned it happens more on Ubuntu, ensure that your Bluetooth drivers are up to date. Sometimes, connection stability can vary between operating systems.
5. Hardware Check: Lastly, check for any hardware issues. Ensure that all switches are seated properly and that there are no stuck keys or debris causing the spamming.
If the problem persists after trying these steps, you may want to consult the troubleshooting section of our documentation for more detailed guidance.could you elaborate on this? wat does spamming mean exactly? like you turn it on and it just starts outputting characters?
Yes it seems to output one of the characters
until I start typing then it stops
I can't seem to replicate it often. It seems to happen when I start using the keyboard for the day.
do you press keys to wake your board up? it might be from that
Hmmm could be. I think its when I actually turn it off for a while and back on.
I tend to turn it off when I don't use it so I do fully turn it off quite often

it gets stuck on a certain key I am typing and seems to stop if type again
I can replicate it just by turning the keyboard on via the power switch then just start typing after a second or 2 it spams one of the characters for a second or so
only seems to be happening on the left side
not really sure if its a hardware issue? thing is it only does this on startup
Have you tried swapping a different switch into that socket?
Not yet i give it a try
I found that I can replicate it on 3 different keys
they dont seems to be in he same row or column
That's very strange
I'd check with new switches first
Then check your debounce settings in the Lily58.config file

First and foremost you need to identify if it's hardware or software related. It's odd that it happened after a setting update.
Have you tried flashing it with alternative firmware?
Maybe the test firmware provided by Typeractive
Hmmm yeah its definely happening more since I did re did the firmware with the setting reset
it seems to pause then spam the second last key alot then the last key
its working with all keys so i don't think its the switch
Ill take a look at the debounce
ill take a look at some alternative firmware if that doesn work i have been using just the typeractive repo
I did the firmware with the settting reset then did the typeractive firmware since I had some sort of pairing issue a few weeks ago. I think it was happening before but happening more since the fix.
the press debounce was at 1ms ill try 5ms
press was 1ms and release was 7ms
weird tried press 5ms and release 7ms still happens using typeractive repo
Did you try with some straight up different firmware?
Like the file from their how-to page
(I mean not just the repo)
Also did you swap in new switches
Not yet ill try the latest zmk firmware and new switches afterwork. I haven't tried swapping in new switches yet since it seems to be impacting almost all keys.
this is likely a bluetooth repeat rather than a hardware issue
harder to fix :/
Hmm interesting, it does happen alot more with my laptop (ubuntu) at home which has had a lot of bluetooth issues the bluetooth chip and the drivers are pretty bad (mediatek mt7921 I think)
It has happened on my laptop at work which is running windows but very rarely
Either way I'm not super worried if it's that hard to fix as it only occurs consistently on startup
possibly upgrading your firmware might help if there's BLE fixes, but hard to say