Can't style a view in a hook ?
I'm having issues with styling ... none of my styling shows
Any idea why ?
13 Replies
No matter what my text is always black
I think you need to import tailwindcss css separately as I think the default css only has styling for the default classes which are used in Panels.
@mohdaftab oookay ... how do I do that ? lol
@mohdaftab brilliant ! Thanks mate !
You're welcome.
Ohh I finally understood ... i should have used the Vite asset ... duh !
I thought you were missing styling in some classes which is why I recommended to add extra css file, but glad that you have found the solution π
I "thought" filament panels already brought all the Tailwind stuff ... another css mystery
I thought that too but when I tried to use different css classes from tailwind they didn't work.
even with ! sign they didn't work, I had to do inline styling or import external css for those classes.
it's veeeeery nasty indeed
Filament only brings the classes it needs to have it's UI working. Bringign all would be a huge load for just a few required classes.
That's why, if you need custom styling - they recommend you to create a new theme and use it π It will inherit original colors as needed, but you can then build your custom stuff
@ModestasV thanks for the explanation; i'm still very early in the learning process - but yeah filament is indeed awesome !