Customer business logic into Login in Filament 3
Hi guis, i hope you'all are great.
I am new in filament and i dont find information about how to custom login logic.
u created the basic or standard login. and in users table i just added a column called "user_status_id" and i only want to user who has 1 value in this column can login in. but if there's 2 or 3 will denie the login and in the login say a personal message, like "account suspended" just in the same way when we write the password wrong. somneone can please send me a guide to do this?
Tahnk you!
5 Replies
You can create a custom Login::class that extends the default Login::class from Filament itself
Check that original class for methods to overwrite
Just create a custom Login class and put it inside the
This is a resource:
it is about registration but the same concept with login
Filament Examples
Registration with Wizard Steps
If you have a longer registration form, you may want to split it into steps, with wizard, including different validation rules.
just override the default class stuff
Probably irrelevant for the author at this point but will post it for others to reference in the future, we published it as a free tutorial:
Filament Examples
Filament Login Extra Validation: Check if User is Suspended
Sometimes, default validation cannot inform the user about a form issue. But with Filament, we can add more validation messages if needed.