Moving current magnetism

Can anyone explain the direction of magnetic moment and magnetic field in this?
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13 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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7273mo ago
options kya hai
bingbongOP3mo ago
The magnitude will be mv²/2B through manipulation of M=i×A Now placing the vector along there's two options ±mv²/2B² (B vector) It would be awesome if you can help me with explaining the direction of magnetic moment in it the answer is -ve with the explanation the charge is moving anticlockwise and magnetic field is inside the plane, so magnetic moment is outside the plane I don't really understand the inside magnetic field along with charge's anticlockwise movement, the right hand thumbrule ain't thumbing
7273mo ago
it should oppose the magnetic field
bingbongOP3mo ago
Wait ok, Fleming's left hand
7273mo ago
bingbongOP3mo ago
No no it's not about changing flux
7273mo ago
left hand use to find if current is clockwise or anti no i mean if u use left hand and magnetic field is coming out direction will flip
7273mo ago
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7273mo ago
Like this It’s faint but I hope it’s visible
bingbongOP3mo ago
I was using the right hand thumb rule but wasn't suppose to use that as this is a point charge and not a loop Yeah, thatnks^^ +solved @727
iTeachChem Helper
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